Is E-sports a professional recreation?

Modern-day pros make serious cash

E-Sports has been through a lot in the past few years. From the establishment of Epic Games to the huge popularity of E-Sports, it has been a wild ride. So, is E-Sports a professional sport? In my opinion, yes. E-Sports has everything that a professional sport has. It has teams, tournaments, prizes, and most importantly, dedicated players. For example, there are very skilled players like PewDiePie and DanTDM who make good money off their skills with their own Youtube channels. Epic sports isn't just about playing video games for fun; Epic Sports are for those who want to be at the top of their game as much as possible!

The Pros & Cons of Being an E-Sport Athlete

There are many debates about whether E-Sports should be considered a professional sport. On one side, some argue that E-Sports requires just as much skill and dedication as traditional sports. After all, professional gamers train for hours each day to perfect their craft. They also have to maintain strict diets and stay in shape to be able to compete at the highest level. On the other hand, some people argue that E-Sports lack the physicality of traditional sports and that anyone can play them with enough practice. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to consider E-Sports a professional sport comes down to personal opinion.

Similarities between traditional sports and e-sports athletes

Like traditional athletes, e-sports athletes train for hours each day to stay at the top of their game. They also have to maintain strict diets and sleep schedules to perform their best. In addition, both types of athletes wear special equipment to help them succeed. For example, traditional athletes might wear cleats to help them run faster, while e-sports athletes might wear headphones to help them concentrate. Both types of athletes play in front of large crowds that get very excited when they do well. Finally, the rewards are much better in professional sports than in e-sports. Most professional athletes make millions each year while most e-sports players don't make more than $100,000 annually.

When all these factors are considered together, it seems like there is an important distinction between professional sports and competitive video games. It seems like there is something about being able to see people in person as they compete that sets traditional sports apart from competitions like Epic Sports or FIFA 18.


Yes, E-Sports is a professional sport. It has all of the necessary components to be classified as such. First and foremost, E-Sports is competitive. Players go head-to-head in order to come out on top. There is also a large skill gap between the best players and the average player. The best players in the world have dedicated their lives to playing the game and have honed their skills to perfection.

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