Epicsports: How physical sports affect our health


The word epic gets thrown around quite often these days, but in this case, it’s more than justified – because recent research has revealed that physical sports have an immensely positive effect on our health and well-being! Specifically, even moderate levels of regular physical activity can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer by up to 50%. That’s right – as long as you get at least 30 minutes of moderate activity each day.

Exercise enhances memory

One of the benefits of exercise is that it can help to enhance your memory. Research has shown that people who engage in physical activity on a regular basis have better recall than those who don’t. Additionally, exercise has also been shown to improve the encoding and consolidation of memories.

So, how does exercise boost memory? It’s thought that when we workout, we increase the levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) in our brains.  Exercise also helps to increase the levels of other chemicals in the brain that are important for memory, such as norepinephrine and serotonin.

Exercise reduces stress

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. It gets your endorphins going, which can help to improve your mood and alleviate anxiety. It can also serve as a form of release, helping you to get out any pent-up energy or frustration. For example, if you're feeling stressed from work, try heading to the gym for some time on the treadmill or lifting weights. You'll feel so much better after!

Exercise combats depression

It helps keep our bodies strong and healthy, and it can help improve our moods. But did you know that exercise can also help combat depression? Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain which fight off feelings of sadness and anger. Exercise also increases serotonin levels in the body which make people feel happier as well as giving them more energy to do other things throughout the day. When we’re tired from lack of sleep or from working too hard, exercise can be a great way to get some much needed rest and relaxation to avoid stress-related disorders like anxiety or depression. And if you don’t want to take my word for it, just ask the Mayo Clinic!

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