Epicsports: Cricket Vs Football - Which One Is More Popular In the World?


Epic Sports, which is an online platform that offers sports merchandise, cricket and football related gear and accessories, has released an infographic that highlights the differences between cricket and football as well as their popularity across various countries in the world. Cricket has been a popular sport in many parts of the world since it was invented centuries ago. Recently, football or soccer as it’s often called has also gained popularity around the globe. Since the two are some of the most popular sports in existence, what are the differences between cricket and football? Epic Sports breaks it down in this infographic on cricket vs football; which one is more popular?

Why consider the popularity of cricket in the world

When considering the popularity of cricket in the world, it is important to look at a few factors.

First, cricket is played in more countries than football.

Second, cricket has a longer history than football.

Third, cricket is more popular in some countries than football.

Fourth, cricket has more TV viewers than football.

Fifth, cricket has more fans than football.

Sixth, cricket generates more revenue than football.

Seventh, there are more professional cricket players than professional football players.

Eighth, cricket can be enjoyed by people of all ages and genders while football can only be enjoyed by those who are older and male.

Ninth, cricket games are shorter than football games.

Tenth, cricket equipment costs less money than football equipment.

And finally, eleventh cricket is seen as a respectable game for girls to play while football is not seen as a respectable game for girls to play because they cannot wear skirts or shorts on the field like boys do.

Comparing football with cricket

It's impossible to compare football with cricket. They're two completely different games. However, that doesn't stop people from trying to answer the question: which one is more popular in the world? So, we put together a list of facts about these two sports and let you decide for yourself!

Cricket vs football, who’s winning?

When it comes to sports, there are two that always seem to be at the top of the popularity charts: cricket and football. But which one is more popular in the world? Let’s take a look. Cricket is played all over the world. For example, countries like India and Pakistan both have very passionate cricketing communities. Cricket has been an integral part of these countries for centuries now. It's believed that modern cricket started back in 1706 when a group of people living near London's Lord's Cricket Ground wanted to play their game with standardized rules. And so they created what we know as modern cricket. Cricket has some different elements than other popular sports, such as taking turns batting or bowling until each team gets ten outs or completing 20 overs with 11 players on each side; but once you get into it you'll find its nuances make for a very exciting sport! What about football? According to FIFA, over 3 billion people play this sport around the globe!

How many people watch each sport in a given time frame?

Epic Sports is a site that covers all things sports. Today, we're going to take a look at two of the most popular sports in the world - cricket and football. How many people watch each sport in a given time frame? The answer can be seen below, but first here are some interesting facts about both cricket and football! Cricket was invented by British colonists in America during the 18th century because they were bored with their new surroundings. Cricket's popularity exploded when it became an integral part of society in England as well as India. On the other hand, football (aka soccer) has been around for over 2,000 years with records from Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang's tomb mentioning a leather ball filled with hair used in a game called cuju.


1. Cricket is more popular than football in the world.

2. Cricket is played in more countries than football.

3. Cricket has a longer history than football.

4. Football is more popular than cricket in Europe and South America.

5. Cricket is more popular than football in Asia and Africa.

6. There are more professional cricket players than football players in the world.

7. There are more cricket fans than football fans in the world.


Cricket is more popular than football in the world. This is because cricket is played in more countries and has a longer history. Cricket is also a more complex game, which makes it more interesting to watch. However, football is gaining popularity in many countries, and some believe that it will eventually overtake cricket as the most popular sport in the world.

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